So, where did....
Foundation in Sounds come from?
Question: Who are the developers of Foundation in Sounds™?
Answer: Foundation in Sounds™ was created by Rick and Lisa Weaver. They are blessed to have 4 children, two of whom are dyslexic.
Rick grew up in a family business and Lisa is a licensed teacher in Colorado, however, none of their combined experiences prepared them for dyslexia. Lacking sufficient understanding of Dyslexia, the Weavers set out to learn all they could to help their children and the students in Lisa's classroom who were dyslexic.
Lisa and Rick homeschooled all of their children and worked with their dyslexic kids using an Orton Gillingham-influenced program with great success, the Barton Reading and Spelling System.
Lisa worked for several years as the dyslexia coordinator for an online virtual charter school with an enrollment of over 3000 students. Annually Lisa supported over 300 families seeking to help their struggling readers.
Question: Why did you develop Foundation in Sounds™?
Answer: Rick and Lisa wanted to develop a program that would strengthen a student's skills of Auditory Discrimination, Auditory Memory, and Auditory Sequencing. The goal was to prepare students for entry into a variety of reading programs that would include Orton Gillingham-influenced programs and equip kids to pass part C of the Barton Student Screening, an excellent tool for checking and testing these skills. As a result, Rick and Lisa spent three years developing (and beta testing) Foundation in Sounds™. The outcome is an easy-to-use, parent-friendly, cost-effective program that meets all of their original goals